Major Softwares - Unity

1 - 簡介


《英文單字方塊》(英語:Word & Block Puzzle Game )是香港獨立開發的智能手機遊戲。此遊戲是一個結合了英文單字及經典俄羅斯方塊的益智遊戲。

這遊戲把5,000個英文單字以常用頻率排序,再分為120關, 製作這個遊戲的目的就是希望大家一邊玩遊戲,一邊學習英文,用最短時間學習英文單字,這遊戲適合任何年齡和所有對英文有興趣的人士。

除了這遊戲的5,000個最常用英文單字外,我們快將建立《英文單字方塊》 (Word & Block Puzzle Game) Part 2,收錄另外5,000個英文單字,到時大家就可以學到最常用的10,000個英文單字,要應付日常英文閱讀和寫作已經十分足夠。

-英語轉繁體中文 (English to Traditional Chinese)
-英語轉簡體中文 (English to Simplified Chinese)
-英語轉法語 (English to French)
-英語轉日語 (English to Japanese)
-英語轉韓語 (English to Korean)


Word & Block Puzzle Game is a smartphone game created by individual game developer in Hong Kong. This puzzle game combines English words and classic Tetris block.

These 5,000 English words are arranged according to commonly used frequencies and then divides them into 120 levels. Everyone can learn English while playing the game. This game is suitable for any age and people who are interested in learning English.

This game contains 5,000 of the most commonly used English words, we will soon launch Word & Block Puzzle Game Part 2, which contains another 5,000 English words (a total of 10,000 common words from Part 1 & Part 2), which are enough to meet daily needs.

The game can be played in following lanugages:
-English to Traditional Chinese
-English to Simplified Chinese
-English to French
-English to Japanese
-English to Korean

2 - Screenshot - 截圖:




3 - Download - 遊戲下載

遊戲可以在以下Google Play Store下載